FROM THE BEGINNING WERE EYEWITNESSED AND MINISTERS OF THE WORD: IT SEEMED GOOD TO ME also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first to write unto you in order, MOST EXCELLENT THE-OPH’-I-LUS, (the church tried to know : who is that The-oph’-i-lus, Luke’s close friend. However, there are some Christians today claim that this is not ... Shfaq »
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LET THE BIBLE SPEAK (chapter two)
THE PROMISED LAND FOR THE CHOSEN PEOPLE ————————————— [Gen. 26:2] The Lord said to Isaac, “To you and to your descendants I will give all these lands, and I will fulfil the oath which I swore to Abraham your father. [Gen. 35:9] God appeared to Jacob… and said to him, “The land which I gave to Abraham and Isaac I ... Shfaq »
LET THE BIBLE SPEAK (chapter one)
ABDUL RAHMAN DIMASHKIAH Let The Bible Speak Introduction ————– In the past, when so many attacks were launched against Islam under an open and unabashed crusader flag, various popes used to encourage some fanatics to write booklets containing lies against Islam and against the Prophet of Islam, distorting his message and reviling his religion. After the church withdrew from this ... Shfaq »
U današnjim jevanđeljima ima bezbroj grešaka, kontradikcija i interpolacija. U knjizi Izhar-ul-hak su mnoge od njih objašnjene. Po ovom pitanju takođe postoje obimni i detaljni podaci i u knjigama koje su napisali, i još uvijek pišu i objavljuju njemački orijentalisti, kao što su Joizer, Davis, Miel, Kepler, Maće, Bred Schneider, Griesbach Huge, Lesinag, Herder, Straus, Haus, Tobian, Thyl, Carl Butter, ... Shfaq »
Istina o Jahvinim Svjedocima
Jahvini Svjedoci su u danasnje vrijeme najaktivniji misionari. Na pjesackim mjestima, stanicama gradskog prijevoz, stoje pripadnici ove krscankse vjerske zajednice, nudeci svoje casopise (“Kula strazara”) na raznim jezicima (cak i na nasem), u malim grupama (2-4 osobe) ulaze u ulice i zvoneci na kucna vrata, objasnjavajuci svoje poruke tj. njihovo gledanje na svijet. Medju njima ih ima koji govore Turskim, ... Shfaq »
Time ovako kaže u svojoj knjizi Ruh-ul-alem (Bit Kosmosa): “Prvo, stvorenja imaju fikr-i misal-i daimi (vječni idealni uzor), koji je prva riječ, prva hipostaza, koji je duhovni a ne materijalni, i koja se prema tome ne može shvatiti razumom. Drugi stepen je madde-i gajr-i muntazime koji je druga izgovorena riječ, druga hipostaza. Iza ovoga dolazi treći stepen, sin to jest ... Shfaq »
Isaiah’s vision
Isaiah saw a vision of two riders. “And he saw a chariot [with] a couple of horsemen, a chariot of asses, [and] a chariot of camels ..” Isaiah 21:7 Who was the rider upon the ass? Every Sunday school student will tell us that this was a prophecy of Jesus (pbuh), as stated in John: “And Jesus, when he had ... Shfaq »
by Dr. Zakir Naik (I) INTRODUCTION TO JUDAISM: Judaism is one of the important Semitic religions. Its followers are known as Jews and they believe in the prophetic mission of Prophet Moses (pbuh). (II) CONCEPT OF GOD IN JUDAISM: (i) The following verse from the book of Deuteronomy contains an exhortation from Moses (pbuh): “Shama Israelu Adonai Ila Hayno Adna ... Shfaq »
Important Questions About The Trinity
Both Muslims as well as Christians affirm that God Almighty is a just and merciful God. Muslims believe that the sign of God’s mercy is that He multiplies the good deeds of mankind from ten to seven hundred times, or even more. He also counts an evil deed as a single evil deed or forgives it. The Church, on the ... Shfaq »
How many ‘Sons’ does God have?
Many people tell us “but the Bible clearly says that Jesus is the Son of God. How can you say that Jesus is not God’s only begotten son when Jesus says it so clearly in black and white in the Bible?” Well, first of all, as seen in the previous section, we first need to know the language of his ... Shfaq »